Welcome to Colbinabbin Primary School
At Colbinabbin Primary our purpose is to encourage the development of socially aware, well-adjusted students who perform academically to the best of their ability in a friendly, caring and challenging learning environment. At CPS we teach children who have a vast range of ability levels, skills and attributes; children with unique personalities, interests and wants. They remain the focus of all we do at Colbinabbin PS. The school plays a central role within the community and celebrated its centenary in 2017.
Colbinabbin Primary School is a small school of 53 students and is currently in a period of growth, with a projected enrolment of 62 students in 2024.
Our shared vision underpin our programs:
We hope the children of Colbinabbin Primary School enjoy their education and are active and healthy learners who try their best. We hope to provide all children with skills and behaviours to achieve their life goals. Leadership, creativity, cooperation, gratitude and caring for their peers provide a foundation for all their learning in an inclusive environment. We hope our children are socially connected, respectful and honest and they honour their ‘school values’. We hope they will embrace Colbinabbin’s history.
We teach a broad and rigorous curriculum in line with the Victorian Curriculum. We balance our day ensuring that the required time periods are allocated to each learning area. Literacy and numeracy are taught prior to lunchtime to maximise student learning. Staff expertise is utilised to cover curriculum specialist areas. ICT use and skill acquisition is embedded within all curriculum areas. The school has a documented approach to teaching and learning and from this document, teachers plan their learning program. Teachers move within the grades as the timetable dictates.The focus of our teaching is to provide a differentiated teaching and learning program where children’s individual needs are being met; where learning is challenging yet success can be experienced. Data is used to guide us in the creation of literacy and numeracy groups and to determine individual point of need teaching. Whole group, small group and individual learning activities are visible in all classrooms every day.
At Colbinabbin we are aware that all children learn in different ways and at different times. Our aim is to ensure that all children – regardless of their starting point – show growth academically and socially. Our student leaders develop their leadership and social justice skills by organising student participation days and raising money for a range of child related charities. They are wonderful ambassadors for our school.
Colbinabbin Primary School is set in a picturesque bush setting on the banks of the Cornella Creek. Our school is leading the way in sustainability education within the Shire of Campaspe. Our Green Team care for the grounds, our vegie garden, our chooks and expand their knowledge through a weekly Green Team (Sustainability Education) lesson. They lead the way in achieving our Sustainability goals. Through the Green Team’s efforts, our 2020 Annual Market Day received a 3 star accreditation as a Waste Wise Event. Excitingly, we have been accredited as a 5 star Sustainability Victoria ResourceSmart School, showing our commitment to a sustainable way of life. In 2019, we were recognised for our achievements by being one of three finalists in the ResourceSmart School Awards – School of the Year category. We are proud that we are the only school within the Shire of Campaspe to have achieved this.
At Colbinabbin PS we feel that high levels of wellbeing resulting in happiness, resilience, positive relationships, optimism and hope will enable both students and staff to attain success, and indeed flourish. We implement a wellbeing program, DRUMBEAT.
DRUMBEAT is an acronym standing for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts. We have 3 teachers trained as DRUMBEAT specialists.
We strive to abide by 5 core values in our everyday interactions with one another and in the development of our programs and policies.
- RESPECT - for ourselves, others and things around us
- HONESTY - truthfulness and open communication in all our actions and thoughts.
- TRUST - by having confidence in, and believing in the ability of those around us.
- UNDERSTANDING - to be accepting, supportive and tolerant of everyone in our school community.
- COOPERATION - to assist and support each other in our work.